Prof. Philip Atanmo is the chairman of Bakken Energy Resources and Tamus Engineering. He joined the company from the start as the Chairman and contributes years of elite engineering, manufacturing, program and managerial experience. Prof. Atanmo served as the Chief Executive Officer of Ajaokuta Steel Company Nigeria. During his time in the steel industry, Nigeria saw a tremendous growth in steel production. Prof. Atanmo developed a system to maximize output whilst reducing down time. After retiring from the steel industry, Prof. Atanmo took on a political career where he held several political positions.
Prof. Atanmo holds several engineering degrees including a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Masters of Science in Electrical and Metallurgical Engineering, both from the University of Connecticut. He also holds a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio. Prof. Atanmo has 3 U.S. patents and over 100 technical publications. Prof. Atanmo received his Adjunct Professor of engineering title from the Anambra State University, where he was the Dean of Mechanical Engineering.
Prof. Atanmo is a well known philanthropist. He has dedicated his time to teach, mentor and help young professionals.